Entry Title

Welcome to Ward Three

“There is only one duty, only one safe course, and that is to try to be right and not to fear to do or say what you believe to be right.” – Winston Churchill


Welcome to the inaugural entry for the Ward Three Blog. The intention of this part of the site is to give me the opportunity to provide news and information regarding happenings in the ward, council activities, and other items that I believe may be of interest to you the residents of the Ward.

At the main page you will find links to the official Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville website, as well as W-S Emergency Services, the Regional Municipality of York, and others, so I’ll try not to duplicate much of that here. However items and issues of particular significance to Ward Three will be shared.

I will also make this blog available to others who desire a platform to share their information, events, or just to comment on issues in and around the Town. If you would like to make use of this space, just reach out to me via the comments link, and I will give you the chance. Family or neighbourhood news and special occasions, local business happenings and events, heck if just want a place to rant, I’ll entertain that as well!

I will also use this space to answer questions brought to me, and share those thoughts with all residents. I believe that answers to any question should be made available to everyone, because something you may be wondering about may  be the same thing your neighbours are wondering too. As well, I will take the opportunity to comment on items on upcoming Council Agendas,  and also those being debated in various media channels, be they traditional print, radio and television, or on  social media platforms.

At times other municipalities and upper tier levels of government deal with issues very similar to what is happening in Whitchurch-Stouffville, or will happen soon, and I will provide links and commentary on news stories and activities of governments from around the province, all of Canada and other parts of the world if there is some application to our situation for us. Many decisions made by upper tier governments can have a major effect on us, so I will endeavour to bring this to your attention too. 

Finally, I will use this platform to opine on just about any topic that strikes my rather extensive and varied fancy. For a time, previous to my being elected, I was one of the more frequent contributors to local print media here in Whitchurch-Stouffville, as well as other neighbouring communities.  The opportunity was one which I enjoyed immensely and I do know that many (…okay some) readers did too. Most of those submissions were tongue-in-cheek observational commentaries on the all too frequent failures and foibles of local governments and I relished the occasion to do so, even if others were not so pleased about it. I have been known as one who is not afraid to speak his mind, and say what I and others know to be the truth, which ties into the quote at the top of this entry. There are not a whole lot of politicians these days who can hold a candle to Lord Churchill, myself included, but in my view if more of us were less concerned about saying the politically expedient thing, as opposed to speaking the truth, we’d all be a whole lot better off. I’m nowhere near as eloquent a word-smith as he was, but at least I can try to make it a little entertaining. And no, I will not be an apologist for any shortcomings of this administration, because no problems can be fixed until we admit they exist.

So now that you know what to expect, I do hope you will check back now and then.

And in an attempt to try to make things a little more convenient and accessible, much of the content found here will also be shared at my official Facebook Page as well. Just search for Hugo T. Kroon, Councillor Ward 3, and of course you can comment and contact me there as well.

Please stay tuned for more updates and information, and as always, if you need to speak to me feel free to call, 647-542-4154.

Thanks, Hugo

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